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Optimize your Sourcing processes with SourceMagnet
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<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 25 25" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_231_7" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect x="0.180603" y="0.257324" width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_231_7)"> <path d="M5.83059 10.2822L7.78059 11.1072C8.01392 10.6405 8.25559 10.1905 8.50559 9.75719C8.75559 9.32385 9.03059 8.89052 9.33059 8.45719L7.93059 8.18219L5.83059 10.2822ZM9.38059 12.3572L12.2306 15.1822C12.9306 14.9155 13.6806 14.5072 14.4806 13.9572C15.2806 13.4072 16.0306 12.7822 16.7306 12.0822C17.8973 10.9155 18.8098 9.61969 19.4681 8.19469C20.1264 6.76969 20.4139 5.45719 20.3306 4.25719C19.1306 4.17385 17.8139 4.46135 16.3806 5.11969C14.9473 5.77802 13.6473 6.69052 12.4806 7.85719C11.7806 8.55719 11.1556 9.30719 10.6056 10.1072C10.0556 10.9072 9.64726 11.6572 9.38059 12.3572ZM13.8306 10.7322C13.4473 10.3489 13.2556 9.87802 13.2556 9.31969C13.2556 8.76135 13.4473 8.29052 13.8306 7.90719C14.2139 7.52385 14.6889 7.33219 15.2556 7.33219C15.8223 7.33219 16.2973 7.52385 16.6806 7.90719C17.0639 8.29052 17.2556 8.76135 17.2556 9.31969C17.2556 9.87802 17.0639 10.3489 16.6806 10.7322C16.2973 11.1155 15.8223 11.3072 15.2556 11.3072C14.6889 11.3072 14.2139 11.1155 13.8306 10.7322ZM14.3056 18.7572L16.4056 16.6572L16.1306 15.2572C15.6973 15.5572 15.2639 15.828 14.8306 16.0697C14.3973 16.3114 13.9473 16.5489 13.4806 16.7822L14.3056 18.7572ZM22.1306 2.43219C22.4473 4.44885 22.2514 6.41135 21.5431 8.31969C20.8348 10.228 19.6139 12.0489 17.8806 13.7822L18.3806 16.2572C18.4473 16.5905 18.4306 16.9155 18.3306 17.2322C18.2306 17.5489 18.0639 17.8239 17.8306 18.0572L13.6306 22.2572L11.5306 17.3322L7.25559 13.0572L2.33059 10.9572L6.50559 6.75719C6.73892 6.52385 7.01809 6.35719 7.34309 6.25719C7.66809 6.15719 7.99726 6.14052 8.33059 6.20719L10.8056 6.70719C12.5389 4.97385 14.3556 3.74885 16.2556 3.03219C18.1556 2.31552 20.1139 2.11552 22.1306 2.43219ZM4.10559 16.2322C4.68892 15.6489 5.40142 15.353 6.24309 15.3447C7.08476 15.3364 7.79726 15.6239 8.38059 16.2072C8.96392 16.7905 9.25142 17.503 9.24309 18.3447C9.23476 19.1864 8.93892 19.8989 8.35559 20.4822C7.93892 20.8989 7.24309 21.2572 6.26809 21.5572C5.29309 21.8572 3.94726 22.1239 2.23059 22.3572C2.46392 20.6405 2.73059 19.2947 3.03059 18.3197C3.33059 17.3447 3.68892 16.6489 4.10559 16.2322ZM5.53059 17.6322C5.36392 17.7989 5.19726 18.103 5.03059 18.5447C4.86392 18.9864 4.74726 19.4322 4.68059 19.8822C5.13059 19.8155 5.57642 19.703 6.01809 19.5447C6.45976 19.3864 6.76392 19.2239 6.93059 19.0572C7.13059 18.8572 7.23892 18.6155 7.25559 18.3322C7.27226 18.0489 7.18059 17.8072 6.98059 17.6072C6.78059 17.4072 6.53892 17.3114 6.25559 17.3197C5.97226 17.328 5.73059 17.4322 5.53059 17.6322Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
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