Full control over your Contracts with SourceMagnet
Full control over your Contracts with SourceMagnet
Full control over your Contracts with SourceMagnet
Create sourcing event
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Get control of all contracts
Store all your contracts in a single and secure repository

Default notifications
Never miss an important key date on the contract

Realize the contract value
Keep track of important tasks and actions needed on the contract to realize it's value.Tasks can be assigned to your self, colleagues or the supplier.
Get control of your contracts
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_67" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_67)"> <path d="M1.58154 10.1375C1.58154 8.39897 1.96754 6.80397 2.73954 5.35247C3.51138 3.90081 4.54788 2.69689 5.84904 1.74072L7.15554 3.51997C6.13154 4.26931 5.31579 5.21822 4.70829 6.36672C4.10063 7.51539 3.79679 8.77231 3.79679 10.1375H1.58154ZM20.2033 10.1375C20.2033 8.77231 19.8995 7.51539 19.2918 6.36672C18.6843 5.21822 17.8685 4.26931 16.8445 3.51997L18.151 1.74072C19.4522 2.69689 20.4887 3.90081 21.2605 5.35247C22.0325 6.80397 22.4185 8.39897 22.4185 10.1375H20.2033ZM3.79679 19.2032V16.9282H5.72504V10.1315C5.72504 8.69631 6.15271 7.41631 7.00804 6.29147C7.86321 5.16664 8.98138 4.43164 10.3625 4.08647V3.43422C10.3625 2.97939 10.5217 2.59272 10.84 2.27422C11.1585 1.95589 11.5452 1.79672 12 1.79672C12.4549 1.79672 12.8415 1.95589 13.16 2.27422C13.4784 2.59272 13.6375 2.97939 13.6375 3.43422V4.08647C15.0227 4.43164 16.1419 5.16564 16.995 6.28847C17.8484 7.41131 18.275 8.69231 18.275 10.1315V16.9282H20.2033V19.2032H3.79679ZM12.006 22.269C11.4364 22.269 10.9486 22.0667 10.5428 21.6622C10.1371 21.2577 9.93429 20.7714 9.93429 20.2032H14.0718C14.0718 20.7732 13.8695 21.26 13.465 21.6635C13.0604 22.0671 12.574 22.269 12.006 22.269ZM8.00004 16.9282H16V10.1315C16 9.03147 15.6084 8.08981 14.825 7.30647C14.0417 6.52314 13.1 6.13147 12 6.13147C10.9 6.13147 9.95838 6.52314 9.17504 7.30647C8.39171 8.08981 8.00004 9.03147 8.00004 10.1315V16.9282Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Automate reminders
Never miss a deadline or other key dates with automatic reminders.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_31" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_31)"> <path d="M8.91013 19.1851V16.9101H15.3189L3.79663 5.38788L5.38788 3.79663L16.9101 15.3189V8.91013H19.1851V19.1851H8.91013Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Risk reduction
Reduce risks with streamlined contract management.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_43" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_43)"> <path d="M8.51631 22.7569L6.57456 19.4732L2.87881 18.6554L3.24081 14.8657L0.737061 11.9999L3.24081 9.13417L2.87881 5.34442L6.57456 4.52667L8.51631 1.24292L12.0001 2.72867L15.4838 1.24292L17.4256 4.52667L21.1213 5.34442L20.7593 9.13417L23.2631 11.9999L20.7593 14.8657L21.1213 18.6554L17.4256 19.4732L15.4838 22.7569L12.0001 21.2712L8.51631 22.7569ZM9.48006 19.8602L12.0001 18.7662L14.5701 19.8602L15.9523 17.4842L18.6663 16.8462L18.4283 14.0699L20.2483 11.9999L18.4283 9.87992L18.6663 7.10367L15.9523 6.51567L14.5201 4.13967L12.0001 5.23367L9.43006 4.13967L8.04781 6.51567L5.33381 7.10367L5.57181 9.87992L3.75181 11.9999L5.57181 14.0699L5.33381 16.8962L8.04781 17.4842L9.48006 19.8602ZM10.9501 15.6157L16.6658 9.89992L15.1941 8.39017L10.9501 12.6342L8.80606 10.5282L7.33431 11.9999L10.9501 15.6157Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Ensure all contracts adhere to company guidelines.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_37" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_37)"> <path d="M14.1194 17.2031H2.79663V6.79663H21.2031V10.1194H18.9281V9.07163H5.07163V14.9281H14.1194V17.2031ZM19.0356 20.0119V17.0956H16.1194V15.0356H19.0356V12.1194H21.0956V15.0356H24.0119V17.0956H21.0956V20.0119H19.0356Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Tailor the contract types with custom fields to match your specific contract management policies.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_67" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_67)"> <path d="M1.58154 10.1375C1.58154 8.39897 1.96754 6.80397 2.73954 5.35247C3.51138 3.90081 4.54788 2.69689 5.84904 1.74072L7.15554 3.51997C6.13154 4.26931 5.31579 5.21822 4.70829 6.36672C4.10063 7.51539 3.79679 8.77231 3.79679 10.1375H1.58154ZM20.2033 10.1375C20.2033 8.77231 19.8995 7.51539 19.2918 6.36672C18.6843 5.21822 17.8685 4.26931 16.8445 3.51997L18.151 1.74072C19.4522 2.69689 20.4887 3.90081 21.2605 5.35247C22.0325 6.80397 22.4185 8.39897 22.4185 10.1375H20.2033ZM3.79679 19.2032V16.9282H5.72504V10.1315C5.72504 8.69631 6.15271 7.41631 7.00804 6.29147C7.86321 5.16664 8.98138 4.43164 10.3625 4.08647V3.43422C10.3625 2.97939 10.5217 2.59272 10.84 2.27422C11.1585 1.95589 11.5452 1.79672 12 1.79672C12.4549 1.79672 12.8415 1.95589 13.16 2.27422C13.4784 2.59272 13.6375 2.97939 13.6375 3.43422V4.08647C15.0227 4.43164 16.1419 5.16564 16.995 6.28847C17.8484 7.41131 18.275 8.69231 18.275 10.1315V16.9282H20.2033V19.2032H3.79679ZM12.006 22.269C11.4364 22.269 10.9486 22.0667 10.5428 21.6622C10.1371 21.2577 9.93429 20.7714 9.93429 20.2032H14.0718C14.0718 20.7732 13.8695 21.26 13.465 21.6635C13.0604 22.0671 12.574 22.269 12.006 22.269ZM8.00004 16.9282H16V10.1315C16 9.03147 15.6084 8.08981 14.825 7.30647C14.0417 6.52314 13.1 6.13147 12 6.13147C10.9 6.13147 9.95838 6.52314 9.17504 7.30647C8.39171 8.08981 8.00004 9.03147 8.00004 10.1315V16.9282Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Automate reminders
Never miss a deadline or other key dates with automatic reminders.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_31" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_31)"> <path d="M8.91013 19.1851V16.9101H15.3189L3.79663 5.38788L5.38788 3.79663L16.9101 15.3189V8.91013H19.1851V19.1851H8.91013Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Risk reduction
Reduce risks with streamlined contract management.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_43" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_43)"> <path d="M8.51631 22.7569L6.57456 19.4732L2.87881 18.6554L3.24081 14.8657L0.737061 11.9999L3.24081 9.13417L2.87881 5.34442L6.57456 4.52667L8.51631 1.24292L12.0001 2.72867L15.4838 1.24292L17.4256 4.52667L21.1213 5.34442L20.7593 9.13417L23.2631 11.9999L20.7593 14.8657L21.1213 18.6554L17.4256 19.4732L15.4838 22.7569L12.0001 21.2712L8.51631 22.7569ZM9.48006 19.8602L12.0001 18.7662L14.5701 19.8602L15.9523 17.4842L18.6663 16.8462L18.4283 14.0699L20.2483 11.9999L18.4283 9.87992L18.6663 7.10367L15.9523 6.51567L14.5201 4.13967L12.0001 5.23367L9.43006 4.13967L8.04781 6.51567L5.33381 7.10367L5.57181 9.87992L3.75181 11.9999L5.57181 14.0699L5.33381 16.8962L8.04781 17.4842L9.48006 19.8602ZM10.9501 15.6157L16.6658 9.89992L15.1941 8.39017L10.9501 12.6342L8.80606 10.5282L7.33431 11.9999L10.9501 15.6157Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Ensure all contracts adhere to company guidelines.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_37" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_37)"> <path d="M14.1194 17.2031H2.79663V6.79663H21.2031V10.1194H18.9281V9.07163H5.07163V14.9281H14.1194V17.2031ZM19.0356 20.0119V17.0956H16.1194V15.0356H19.0356V12.1194H21.0956V15.0356H24.0119V17.0956H21.0956V20.0119H19.0356Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Tailor the contract types with custom fields to match your specific contract management policies.
Get control of all contracts
Store all your contracts in a single and secure repository
Default notifications
Never miss an important key date on the contract

Realize the contract value
Keep track of important tasks and actions needed on the contract to realize it's value.Tasks can be assigned to your self, colleagues or the supplier.

Why choose SourceMagnet for Contract Management?
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_250_8" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_250_8)"> <path d="M6.07175 22.1855C5.44609 22.1855 4.9105 21.9627 4.465 21.5172C4.0195 21.0717 3.79675 20.5361 3.79675 19.9105V10.054C3.79675 9.42831 4.0195 8.89273 4.465 8.44723C4.9105 8.00173 5.44609 7.77898 6.07175 7.77898H6.91025V5.95248C6.91025 4.53714 7.40575 3.33206 8.39675 2.33723C9.38775 1.34223 10.5888 0.844727 12 0.844727C13.4112 0.844727 14.6123 1.34223 15.6033 2.33723C16.5943 3.33206 17.0898 4.53714 17.0898 5.95248V7.77898H17.9283C18.5539 7.77898 19.0895 8.00173 19.535 8.44723C19.9805 8.89273 20.2033 9.42831 20.2033 10.054V19.9105C20.2033 20.5361 19.9805 21.0717 19.535 21.5172C19.0895 21.9627 18.5539 22.1855 17.9283 22.1855H6.07175ZM6.07175 19.9105H17.9283V10.054H6.07175V19.9105ZM12 16.9822C12.55 16.9822 13.0208 16.7864 13.4125 16.3947C13.8042 16.0031 14 15.5322 14 14.9822C14 14.4322 13.8042 13.9614 13.4125 13.5697C13.0208 13.1781 12.55 12.9822 12 12.9822C11.45 12.9822 10.9792 13.1781 10.5875 13.5697C10.1958 13.9614 10 14.4322 10 14.9822C10 15.5322 10.1958 16.0031 10.5875 16.3947C10.9792 16.7864 11.45 16.9822 12 16.9822ZM9.18525 7.77898H14.8148V5.95248C14.8148 5.16564 14.542 4.49681 13.9965 3.94598C13.451 3.39514 12.7855 3.11973 12 3.11973C11.2145 3.11973 10.549 3.39514 10.0035 3.94598C9.458 4.49681 9.18525 5.16564 9.18525 5.95248V7.77898Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Access control
Access control enables you to share contracts with the right employees and your counterparty.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_13" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_13)"> <path d="M11.1375 22.0994C9.83505 21.9661 8.62005 21.6202 7.49255 21.0619C6.36488 20.5036 5.38497 19.7756 4.5528 18.8779C3.72047 17.9802 3.06405 16.9465 2.58355 15.7766C2.10288 14.6066 1.86255 13.3477 1.86255 11.9999C1.86255 10.5271 2.1498 9.16097 2.7243 7.90164C3.29863 6.64214 4.08297 5.55406 5.0773 4.63739H2.73705V2.36239H9.13755V8.76289H6.86255V6.10964C6.02555 6.81914 5.36213 7.68047 4.8723 8.69364C4.38247 9.70681 4.13755 10.8089 4.13755 11.9999C4.13755 14.0181 4.80838 15.761 6.15005 17.2286C7.49172 18.6965 9.15422 19.5554 11.1375 19.8054V22.0994ZM10.575 16.7254L6.2603 12.3976L7.7918 10.8661L10.575 13.6494L16.2023 8.02214L17.7338 9.57264L10.575 16.7254ZM14.8625 21.6374V15.2369H17.1375V17.8901C17.9746 17.168 18.638 16.3035 19.1278 15.2966C19.6176 14.2898 19.8625 13.1909 19.8625 11.9999C19.8625 9.98172 19.1917 8.23881 17.85 6.77114C16.5084 5.30331 14.8459 4.44439 12.8625 4.19439V1.90039C15.4755 2.15839 17.6746 3.24297 19.4598 5.15414C21.245 7.06547 22.1375 9.34739 22.1375 11.9999C22.1375 13.4727 21.8503 14.8388 21.2758 16.0981C20.7015 17.3576 19.9171 18.4457 18.9228 19.3624H21.2631V21.6374H14.8625Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Keep track of changes
Manage and keep track of changes during the entire contract lifecycle to get a "live view" of the contract.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_61" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_61)"> <path d="M10.9499 18.0059L16.6656 12.2901L15.1559 10.7804L10.9309 15.0054L8.82488 12.8994L7.33413 14.3901L10.9499 18.0059ZM6.07163 22.2031C5.44196 22.2031 4.90538 21.9814 4.46188 21.5379C4.01838 21.0944 3.79663 20.5578 3.79663 19.9281V4.07163C3.79663 3.44196 4.01838 2.90538 4.46188 2.46188C4.90538 2.01838 5.44196 1.79663 6.07163 1.79663H14.0836L20.2031 7.91613V19.9281C20.2031 20.5578 19.9814 21.0944 19.5379 21.5379C19.0944 21.9814 18.5578 22.2031 17.9281 22.2031H6.07163ZM12.9281 9.07163V4.07163H6.07163V19.9281H17.9281V9.07163H12.9281Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Task management
With task management you can assign tasks to yourself, colleagues, or your counterparty to follow up and realize the contract value.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_37" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_37)"> <path d="M14.1194 17.2031H2.79663V6.79663H21.2031V10.1194H18.9281V9.07163H5.07163V14.9281H14.1194V17.2031ZM19.0356 20.0119V17.0956H16.1194V15.0356H19.0356V12.1194H21.0956V15.0356H24.0119V17.0956H21.0956V20.0119H19.0356Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Customizable contract registration forms
Flexible contract registration forms that can be customized to ensure that you store all the data that's important for your company.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_67" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_67)"> <path d="M1.58154 10.1375C1.58154 8.39897 1.96754 6.80397 2.73954 5.35247C3.51138 3.90081 4.54788 2.69689 5.84904 1.74072L7.15554 3.51997C6.13154 4.26931 5.31579 5.21822 4.70829 6.36672C4.10063 7.51539 3.79679 8.77231 3.79679 10.1375H1.58154ZM20.2033 10.1375C20.2033 8.77231 19.8995 7.51539 19.2918 6.36672C18.6843 5.21822 17.8685 4.26931 16.8445 3.51997L18.151 1.74072C19.4522 2.69689 20.4887 3.90081 21.2605 5.35247C22.0325 6.80397 22.4185 8.39897 22.4185 10.1375H20.2033ZM3.79679 19.2032V16.9282H5.72504V10.1315C5.72504 8.69631 6.15271 7.41631 7.00804 6.29147C7.86321 5.16664 8.98138 4.43164 10.3625 4.08647V3.43422C10.3625 2.97939 10.5217 2.59272 10.84 2.27422C11.1585 1.95589 11.5452 1.79672 12 1.79672C12.4549 1.79672 12.8415 1.95589 13.16 2.27422C13.4784 2.59272 13.6375 2.97939 13.6375 3.43422V4.08647C15.0227 4.43164 16.1419 5.16564 16.995 6.28847C17.8484 7.41131 18.275 8.69231 18.275 10.1315V16.9282H20.2033V19.2032H3.79679ZM12.006 22.269C11.4364 22.269 10.9486 22.0667 10.5428 21.6622C10.1371 21.2577 9.93429 20.7714 9.93429 20.2032H14.0718C14.0718 20.7732 13.8695 21.26 13.465 21.6635C13.0604 22.0671 12.574 22.269 12.006 22.269ZM8.00004 16.9282H16V10.1315C16 9.03147 15.6084 8.08981 14.825 7.30647C14.0417 6.52314 13.1 6.13147 12 6.13147C10.9 6.13147 9.95838 6.52314 9.17504 7.30647C8.39171 8.08981 8.00004 9.03147 8.00004 10.1315V16.9282Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Default notifications
Never miss a key date or deadline with our configurable default reminders, ensuring that the right people are notified at the right time.
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M9 17.5H3.5M6.5 12H2M9 6.5H4M17 3L10.4036 12.235C10.1116 12.6438 9.96562 12.8481 9.97194 13.0185C9.97744 13.1669 10.0486 13.3051 10.1661 13.3958C10.3011 13.5 10.5522 13.5 11.0546 13.5H16L15 21L21.5964 11.765C21.8884 11.3562 22.0344 11.1519 22.0281 10.9815C22.0226 10.8331 21.9514 10.6949 21.8339 10.6042C21.6989 10.5 21.4478 10.5 20.9454 10.5H16L17 3Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </svg>
Create contracts from sourcing
Seamless integration from Sourcing to Contracts
Why choose SourceMagnet for Contract Management?
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_250_8" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_250_8)"> <path d="M6.07175 22.1855C5.44609 22.1855 4.9105 21.9627 4.465 21.5172C4.0195 21.0717 3.79675 20.5361 3.79675 19.9105V10.054C3.79675 9.42831 4.0195 8.89273 4.465 8.44723C4.9105 8.00173 5.44609 7.77898 6.07175 7.77898H6.91025V5.95248C6.91025 4.53714 7.40575 3.33206 8.39675 2.33723C9.38775 1.34223 10.5888 0.844727 12 0.844727C13.4112 0.844727 14.6123 1.34223 15.6033 2.33723C16.5943 3.33206 17.0898 4.53714 17.0898 5.95248V7.77898H17.9283C18.5539 7.77898 19.0895 8.00173 19.535 8.44723C19.9805 8.89273 20.2033 9.42831 20.2033 10.054V19.9105C20.2033 20.5361 19.9805 21.0717 19.535 21.5172C19.0895 21.9627 18.5539 22.1855 17.9283 22.1855H6.07175ZM6.07175 19.9105H17.9283V10.054H6.07175V19.9105ZM12 16.9822C12.55 16.9822 13.0208 16.7864 13.4125 16.3947C13.8042 16.0031 14 15.5322 14 14.9822C14 14.4322 13.8042 13.9614 13.4125 13.5697C13.0208 13.1781 12.55 12.9822 12 12.9822C11.45 12.9822 10.9792 13.1781 10.5875 13.5697C10.1958 13.9614 10 14.4322 10 14.9822C10 15.5322 10.1958 16.0031 10.5875 16.3947C10.9792 16.7864 11.45 16.9822 12 16.9822ZM9.18525 7.77898H14.8148V5.95248C14.8148 5.16564 14.542 4.49681 13.9965 3.94598C13.451 3.39514 12.7855 3.11973 12 3.11973C11.2145 3.11973 10.549 3.39514 10.0035 3.94598C9.458 4.49681 9.18525 5.16564 9.18525 5.95248V7.77898Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Access control
Access control enables you to share contracts with the right employees and your counterparty.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_13" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_13)"> <path d="M11.1375 22.0994C9.83505 21.9661 8.62005 21.6202 7.49255 21.0619C6.36488 20.5036 5.38497 19.7756 4.5528 18.8779C3.72047 17.9802 3.06405 16.9465 2.58355 15.7766C2.10288 14.6066 1.86255 13.3477 1.86255 11.9999C1.86255 10.5271 2.1498 9.16097 2.7243 7.90164C3.29863 6.64214 4.08297 5.55406 5.0773 4.63739H2.73705V2.36239H9.13755V8.76289H6.86255V6.10964C6.02555 6.81914 5.36213 7.68047 4.8723 8.69364C4.38247 9.70681 4.13755 10.8089 4.13755 11.9999C4.13755 14.0181 4.80838 15.761 6.15005 17.2286C7.49172 18.6965 9.15422 19.5554 11.1375 19.8054V22.0994ZM10.575 16.7254L6.2603 12.3976L7.7918 10.8661L10.575 13.6494L16.2023 8.02214L17.7338 9.57264L10.575 16.7254ZM14.8625 21.6374V15.2369H17.1375V17.8901C17.9746 17.168 18.638 16.3035 19.1278 15.2966C19.6176 14.2898 19.8625 13.1909 19.8625 11.9999C19.8625 9.98172 19.1917 8.23881 17.85 6.77114C16.5084 5.30331 14.8459 4.44439 12.8625 4.19439V1.90039C15.4755 2.15839 17.6746 3.24297 19.4598 5.15414C21.245 7.06547 22.1375 9.34739 22.1375 11.9999C22.1375 13.4727 21.8503 14.8388 21.2758 16.0981C20.7015 17.3576 19.9171 18.4457 18.9228 19.3624H21.2631V21.6374H14.8625Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Keep track of changes
Manage and keep track of changes during the entire contract lifecycle to get a "live view" of the contract.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_61" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_61)"> <path d="M10.9499 18.0059L16.6656 12.2901L15.1559 10.7804L10.9309 15.0054L8.82488 12.8994L7.33413 14.3901L10.9499 18.0059ZM6.07163 22.2031C5.44196 22.2031 4.90538 21.9814 4.46188 21.5379C4.01838 21.0944 3.79663 20.5578 3.79663 19.9281V4.07163C3.79663 3.44196 4.01838 2.90538 4.46188 2.46188C4.90538 2.01838 5.44196 1.79663 6.07163 1.79663H14.0836L20.2031 7.91613V19.9281C20.2031 20.5578 19.9814 21.0944 19.5379 21.5379C19.0944 21.9814 18.5578 22.2031 17.9281 22.2031H6.07163ZM12.9281 9.07163V4.07163H6.07163V19.9281H17.9281V9.07163H12.9281Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Task management
With task management you can assign tasks to yourself, colleagues, or your counterparty to follow up and realize the contract value.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_37" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_37)"> <path d="M14.1194 17.2031H2.79663V6.79663H21.2031V10.1194H18.9281V9.07163H5.07163V14.9281H14.1194V17.2031ZM19.0356 20.0119V17.0956H16.1194V15.0356H19.0356V12.1194H21.0956V15.0356H24.0119V17.0956H21.0956V20.0119H19.0356Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Customizable contract registration forms
Flexible contract registration forms that can be customized to ensure that you store all the data that's important for your company.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_67" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_67)"> <path d="M1.58154 10.1375C1.58154 8.39897 1.96754 6.80397 2.73954 5.35247C3.51138 3.90081 4.54788 2.69689 5.84904 1.74072L7.15554 3.51997C6.13154 4.26931 5.31579 5.21822 4.70829 6.36672C4.10063 7.51539 3.79679 8.77231 3.79679 10.1375H1.58154ZM20.2033 10.1375C20.2033 8.77231 19.8995 7.51539 19.2918 6.36672C18.6843 5.21822 17.8685 4.26931 16.8445 3.51997L18.151 1.74072C19.4522 2.69689 20.4887 3.90081 21.2605 5.35247C22.0325 6.80397 22.4185 8.39897 22.4185 10.1375H20.2033ZM3.79679 19.2032V16.9282H5.72504V10.1315C5.72504 8.69631 6.15271 7.41631 7.00804 6.29147C7.86321 5.16664 8.98138 4.43164 10.3625 4.08647V3.43422C10.3625 2.97939 10.5217 2.59272 10.84 2.27422C11.1585 1.95589 11.5452 1.79672 12 1.79672C12.4549 1.79672 12.8415 1.95589 13.16 2.27422C13.4784 2.59272 13.6375 2.97939 13.6375 3.43422V4.08647C15.0227 4.43164 16.1419 5.16564 16.995 6.28847C17.8484 7.41131 18.275 8.69231 18.275 10.1315V16.9282H20.2033V19.2032H3.79679ZM12.006 22.269C11.4364 22.269 10.9486 22.0667 10.5428 21.6622C10.1371 21.2577 9.93429 20.7714 9.93429 20.2032H14.0718C14.0718 20.7732 13.8695 21.26 13.465 21.6635C13.0604 22.0671 12.574 22.269 12.006 22.269ZM8.00004 16.9282H16V10.1315C16 9.03147 15.6084 8.08981 14.825 7.30647C14.0417 6.52314 13.1 6.13147 12 6.13147C10.9 6.13147 9.95838 6.52314 9.17504 7.30647C8.39171 8.08981 8.00004 9.03147 8.00004 10.1315V16.9282Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Default notifications
Never miss a key date or deadline with our configurable default reminders, ensuring that the right people are notified at the right time.
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M9 17.5H3.5M6.5 12H2M9 6.5H4M17 3L10.4036 12.235C10.1116 12.6438 9.96562 12.8481 9.97194 13.0185C9.97744 13.1669 10.0486 13.3051 10.1661 13.3958C10.3011 13.5 10.5522 13.5 11.0546 13.5H16L15 21L21.5964 11.765C21.8884 11.3562 22.0344 11.1519 22.0281 10.9815C22.0226 10.8331 21.9514 10.6949 21.8339 10.6042C21.6989 10.5 21.4478 10.5 20.9454 10.5H16L17 3Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </svg>
Create contracts from sourcing
Seamless integration from Sourcing to Contracts
Why choose SourceMagnet for Contract Management?
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M9 17.5H3.5M6.5 12H2M9 6.5H4M17 3L10.4036 12.235C10.1116 12.6438 9.96562 12.8481 9.97194 13.0185C9.97744 13.1669 10.0486 13.3051 10.1661 13.3958C10.3011 13.5 10.5522 13.5 11.0546 13.5H16L15 21L21.5964 11.765C21.8884 11.3562 22.0344 11.1519 22.0281 10.9815C22.0226 10.8331 21.9514 10.6949 21.8339 10.6042C21.6989 10.5 21.4478 10.5 20.9454 10.5H16L17 3Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path> </svg>
Create contracts from sourcing
Seamless integration from Sourcing to Contracts
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_67" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_67)"> <path d="M1.58154 10.1375C1.58154 8.39897 1.96754 6.80397 2.73954 5.35247C3.51138 3.90081 4.54788 2.69689 5.84904 1.74072L7.15554 3.51997C6.13154 4.26931 5.31579 5.21822 4.70829 6.36672C4.10063 7.51539 3.79679 8.77231 3.79679 10.1375H1.58154ZM20.2033 10.1375C20.2033 8.77231 19.8995 7.51539 19.2918 6.36672C18.6843 5.21822 17.8685 4.26931 16.8445 3.51997L18.151 1.74072C19.4522 2.69689 20.4887 3.90081 21.2605 5.35247C22.0325 6.80397 22.4185 8.39897 22.4185 10.1375H20.2033ZM3.79679 19.2032V16.9282H5.72504V10.1315C5.72504 8.69631 6.15271 7.41631 7.00804 6.29147C7.86321 5.16664 8.98138 4.43164 10.3625 4.08647V3.43422C10.3625 2.97939 10.5217 2.59272 10.84 2.27422C11.1585 1.95589 11.5452 1.79672 12 1.79672C12.4549 1.79672 12.8415 1.95589 13.16 2.27422C13.4784 2.59272 13.6375 2.97939 13.6375 3.43422V4.08647C15.0227 4.43164 16.1419 5.16564 16.995 6.28847C17.8484 7.41131 18.275 8.69231 18.275 10.1315V16.9282H20.2033V19.2032H3.79679ZM12.006 22.269C11.4364 22.269 10.9486 22.0667 10.5428 21.6622C10.1371 21.2577 9.93429 20.7714 9.93429 20.2032H14.0718C14.0718 20.7732 13.8695 21.26 13.465 21.6635C13.0604 22.0671 12.574 22.269 12.006 22.269ZM8.00004 16.9282H16V10.1315C16 9.03147 15.6084 8.08981 14.825 7.30647C14.0417 6.52314 13.1 6.13147 12 6.13147C10.9 6.13147 9.95838 6.52314 9.17504 7.30647C8.39171 8.08981 8.00004 9.03147 8.00004 10.1315V16.9282Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Default notifications
Never miss a key date or deadline with our configurable default reminders, ensuring that the right people are notified at the right time.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_37" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_37)"> <path d="M14.1194 17.2031H2.79663V6.79663H21.2031V10.1194H18.9281V9.07163H5.07163V14.9281H14.1194V17.2031ZM19.0356 20.0119V17.0956H16.1194V15.0356H19.0356V12.1194H21.0956V15.0356H24.0119V17.0956H21.0956V20.0119H19.0356Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Customizable contract registration forms
Flexible contract registration forms that can be customized to ensure that you store all the data that's important for your company.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_61" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_61)"> <path d="M10.9499 18.0059L16.6656 12.2901L15.1559 10.7804L10.9309 15.0054L8.82488 12.8994L7.33413 14.3901L10.9499 18.0059ZM6.07163 22.2031C5.44196 22.2031 4.90538 21.9814 4.46188 21.5379C4.01838 21.0944 3.79663 20.5578 3.79663 19.9281V4.07163C3.79663 3.44196 4.01838 2.90538 4.46188 2.46188C4.90538 2.01838 5.44196 1.79663 6.07163 1.79663H14.0836L20.2031 7.91613V19.9281C20.2031 20.5578 19.9814 21.0944 19.5379 21.5379C19.0944 21.9814 18.5578 22.2031 17.9281 22.2031H6.07163ZM12.9281 9.07163V4.07163H6.07163V19.9281H17.9281V9.07163H12.9281Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Task management
With task management you can assign tasks to yourself, colleagues, or your counterparty to follow up and realize the contract value.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_251_13" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_251_13)"> <path d="M11.1375 22.0994C9.83505 21.9661 8.62005 21.6202 7.49255 21.0619C6.36488 20.5036 5.38497 19.7756 4.5528 18.8779C3.72047 17.9802 3.06405 16.9465 2.58355 15.7766C2.10288 14.6066 1.86255 13.3477 1.86255 11.9999C1.86255 10.5271 2.1498 9.16097 2.7243 7.90164C3.29863 6.64214 4.08297 5.55406 5.0773 4.63739H2.73705V2.36239H9.13755V8.76289H6.86255V6.10964C6.02555 6.81914 5.36213 7.68047 4.8723 8.69364C4.38247 9.70681 4.13755 10.8089 4.13755 11.9999C4.13755 14.0181 4.80838 15.761 6.15005 17.2286C7.49172 18.6965 9.15422 19.5554 11.1375 19.8054V22.0994ZM10.575 16.7254L6.2603 12.3976L7.7918 10.8661L10.575 13.6494L16.2023 8.02214L17.7338 9.57264L10.575 16.7254ZM14.8625 21.6374V15.2369H17.1375V17.8901C17.9746 17.168 18.638 16.3035 19.1278 15.2966C19.6176 14.2898 19.8625 13.1909 19.8625 11.9999C19.8625 9.98172 19.1917 8.23881 17.85 6.77114C16.5084 5.30331 14.8459 4.44439 12.8625 4.19439V1.90039C15.4755 2.15839 17.6746 3.24297 19.4598 5.15414C21.245 7.06547 22.1375 9.34739 22.1375 11.9999C22.1375 13.4727 21.8503 14.8388 21.2758 16.0981C20.7015 17.3576 19.9171 18.4457 18.9228 19.3624H21.2631V21.6374H14.8625Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Keep track of changes
Manage and keep track of changes during the entire contract lifecycle to get a "live view" of the contract.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <mask id="mask0_250_8" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_250_8)"> <path d="M6.07175 22.1855C5.44609 22.1855 4.9105 21.9627 4.465 21.5172C4.0195 21.0717 3.79675 20.5361 3.79675 19.9105V10.054C3.79675 9.42831 4.0195 8.89273 4.465 8.44723C4.9105 8.00173 5.44609 7.77898 6.07175 7.77898H6.91025V5.95248C6.91025 4.53714 7.40575 3.33206 8.39675 2.33723C9.38775 1.34223 10.5888 0.844727 12 0.844727C13.4112 0.844727 14.6123 1.34223 15.6033 2.33723C16.5943 3.33206 17.0898 4.53714 17.0898 5.95248V7.77898H17.9283C18.5539 7.77898 19.0895 8.00173 19.535 8.44723C19.9805 8.89273 20.2033 9.42831 20.2033 10.054V19.9105C20.2033 20.5361 19.9805 21.0717 19.535 21.5172C19.0895 21.9627 18.5539 22.1855 17.9283 22.1855H6.07175ZM6.07175 19.9105H17.9283V10.054H6.07175V19.9105ZM12 16.9822C12.55 16.9822 13.0208 16.7864 13.4125 16.3947C13.8042 16.0031 14 15.5322 14 14.9822C14 14.4322 13.8042 13.9614 13.4125 13.5697C13.0208 13.1781 12.55 12.9822 12 12.9822C11.45 12.9822 10.9792 13.1781 10.5875 13.5697C10.1958 13.9614 10 14.4322 10 14.9822C10 15.5322 10.1958 16.0031 10.5875 16.3947C10.9792 16.7864 11.45 16.9822 12 16.9822ZM9.18525 7.77898H14.8148V5.95248C14.8148 5.16564 14.542 4.49681 13.9965 3.94598C13.451 3.39514 12.7855 3.11973 12 3.11973C11.2145 3.11973 10.549 3.39514 10.0035 3.94598C9.458 4.49681 9.18525 5.16564 9.18525 5.95248V7.77898Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Access control
Access control enables you to share contracts with the right employees and your counterparty.
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