Seamless Single Sign-On with SourceMagnet & Entra ID integration
Seamless Single Sign-On with SourceMagnet & Entra ID integration
Seamless Single Sign-On with SourceMagnet & Entra ID integration
Why Choose SSO with SourceMagnet & Entra ID?
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_279_22" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_279_22)"> <path d="M10.4461 15.0475H13.5536L12.9726 11.7988C13.306 11.6241 13.5685 11.3764 13.7601 11.0558C13.9518 10.7351 14.0476 10.3831 14.0476 9.99978C14.0476 9.43378 13.8478 8.95103 13.4481 8.55153C13.0486 8.15186 12.5659 7.95203 11.9999 7.95203C11.4339 7.95203 10.9511 8.15186 10.5516 8.55153C10.152 8.95103 9.95213 9.43378 9.95213 9.99978C9.95213 10.3831 10.048 10.7351 10.2396 11.0558C10.4313 11.3764 10.6938 11.6241 11.0271 11.7988L10.4461 15.0475ZM11.9999 22.209C9.62338 21.6137 7.66205 20.2586 6.11588 18.1438C4.56971 16.0289 3.79663 13.6809 3.79663 11.0998V4.86228L11.9999 1.79053L20.2031 4.86228V11.0998C20.2031 13.6809 19.43 16.0289 17.8839 18.1438C16.3377 20.2586 14.3764 21.6137 11.9999 22.209ZM11.9999 19.834C13.7054 19.26 15.1198 18.16 16.2431 16.534C17.3665 14.9079 17.9281 13.0964 17.9281 11.0998V6.42853L11.9999 4.20853L6.07163 6.42853V11.0998C6.07163 13.0964 6.6333 14.9079 7.75663 16.534C8.87996 18.16 10.2944 19.26 11.9999 19.834Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Stronger security
Centralize authentication through Entra ID, reducing password-related risks and enhancing overall security.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_279_16" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_279_16)"> <path d="M11.9999 17.5001C13.1492 17.5001 14.1894 17.1723 15.1204 16.5166C16.0512 15.8611 16.721 14.9984 17.1299 13.9284H6.86988C7.27871 14.9984 7.94855 15.8611 8.87938 16.5166C9.81038 17.1723 10.8505 17.5001 11.9999 17.5001ZM7.78188 11.0719L8.89988 10.0039L9.96788 11.0719L11.0836 9.96212L8.89988 7.72838L6.66613 9.96212L7.78188 11.0719ZM14.0319 11.0719L15.0999 10.0039L16.2179 11.0719L17.3336 9.96212L15.0999 7.72838L12.9161 9.96212L14.0319 11.0719ZM11.9999 22.2034C10.5887 22.2034 9.2628 21.9359 8.02213 21.4009C6.78163 20.8659 5.70138 20.1385 4.78138 19.2186C3.86155 18.2986 3.13413 17.2184 2.59913 15.9779C2.06413 14.7372 1.79663 13.4113 1.79663 12.0001C1.79663 10.589 2.06413 9.26304 2.59913 8.02238C3.13413 6.78188 3.86155 5.70163 4.78138 4.78163C5.70138 3.86179 6.78163 3.13437 8.02213 2.59937C9.2628 2.06437 10.5887 1.79688 11.9999 1.79688C13.411 1.79688 14.737 2.06437 15.9776 2.59937C17.2181 3.13437 18.2984 3.86179 19.2184 4.78163C20.1382 5.70163 20.8656 6.78188 21.4006 8.02238C21.9356 9.26304 22.2031 10.589 22.2031 12.0001C22.2031 13.4113 21.9356 14.7372 21.4006 15.9779C20.8656 17.2184 20.1382 18.2986 19.2184 19.2186C18.2984 20.1385 17.2181 20.8659 15.9776 21.4009C14.737 21.9359 13.411 22.2034 11.9999 22.2034ZM11.9999 19.9284C14.2094 19.9284 16.0831 19.1594 17.6211 17.6214C19.1591 16.0834 19.9281 14.2096 19.9281 12.0001C19.9281 9.79062 19.1591 7.91688 17.6211 6.37888C16.0831 4.84088 14.2094 4.07188 11.9999 4.07188C9.79038 4.07188 7.91663 4.84088 6.37863 6.37888C4.84063 7.91688 4.07163 9.79062 4.07163 12.0001C4.07163 14.2096 4.84063 16.0834 6.37863 17.6214C7.91663 19.1594 9.79038 19.9284 11.9999 19.9284Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Smoother user experience
Log in once and get instant access to SourceMagnet, no more password headaches for your users.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_279_10" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_279_10)"> <path d="M9.99988 11.8981C8.84005 11.8981 7.84955 11.4875 7.02838 10.6663C6.20721 9.84514 5.79663 8.85464 5.79663 7.69481C5.79663 6.53514 6.20721 5.54564 7.02838 4.72631C7.84955 3.90714 8.84005 3.49756 9.99988 3.49756C11.1597 3.49756 12.1502 3.90714 12.9714 4.72631C13.7925 5.54564 14.2031 6.53514 14.2031 7.69481C14.2031 8.85464 13.7925 9.84514 12.9714 10.6663C12.1502 11.4875 11.1597 11.8981 9.99988 11.8981ZM1.79663 20.3048V17.2896C1.79663 16.6797 1.95721 16.1192 2.27838 15.6081C2.59955 15.0967 3.01013 14.7161 3.51013 14.4661C4.36013 14.0327 5.33346 13.6631 6.43013 13.3571C7.52663 13.0511 8.71655 12.8981 9.99988 12.8981H10.4006C10.5346 12.8981 10.6595 12.9147 10.7754 12.9481C10.634 13.2481 10.5026 13.6005 10.3811 14.0053C10.2596 14.41 10.1699 14.7992 10.1119 15.1731H10.0144C8.86121 15.1731 7.8158 15.3181 6.87813 15.6083C5.94046 15.8983 5.17163 16.1917 4.57163 16.4886C4.42163 16.5711 4.3008 16.6843 4.20913 16.8283C4.11746 16.9723 4.07163 17.136 4.07163 17.3193V18.0298H10.2879C10.3959 18.4236 10.5521 18.8212 10.7566 19.2226C10.9611 19.6241 11.1774 19.9848 11.4054 20.3048H1.79663ZM16.0896 21.2031L15.7836 19.6731C15.5995 19.5977 15.4239 19.5152 15.2569 19.4256C15.0899 19.3359 14.9207 19.2304 14.7494 19.1091L13.2694 19.5711L12.1976 17.7396L13.3716 16.7216C13.3343 16.5082 13.3166 16.3045 13.3186 16.1103C13.3206 15.9163 13.3383 15.7126 13.3716 15.4993L12.1976 14.4753L13.2694 12.6498L14.7494 13.1118C14.9207 12.9905 15.0899 12.885 15.2569 12.7953C15.4239 12.7055 15.5995 12.6229 15.7836 12.5476L16.0896 11.0178H18.2391L18.5449 12.5476C18.729 12.6229 18.9056 12.7086 19.0746 12.8048C19.2436 12.9008 19.4138 13.0198 19.5851 13.1618L21.0591 12.6498L22.1369 14.5253L20.9569 15.5493C20.9942 15.7333 21.0119 15.9286 21.0099 16.1353C21.0079 16.3421 20.9902 16.5376 20.9569 16.7216L22.1369 17.7396L21.0591 19.5711L19.5851 19.1091C19.4138 19.2304 19.2436 19.3359 19.0746 19.4256C18.9056 19.5152 18.729 19.5977 18.5449 19.6731L18.2391 21.2031H16.0896ZM17.1674 18.0656C17.7014 18.0656 18.1602 17.8727 18.5439 17.4871C18.9275 17.1014 19.1194 16.6415 19.1194 16.1073C19.1194 15.5733 18.9275 15.1145 18.5439 14.7308C18.1602 14.3471 17.7014 14.1553 17.1674 14.1553C16.6332 14.1553 16.1733 14.3471 15.7876 14.7308C15.402 15.1145 15.2091 15.5733 15.2091 16.1073C15.2091 16.6415 15.402 17.1014 15.7876 17.4871C16.1733 17.8727 16.6332 18.0656 17.1674 18.0656ZM9.99963 9.62306C10.5298 9.62306 10.9838 9.43431 11.3616 9.05681C11.7393 8.67931 11.9281 8.22539 11.9281 7.69506C11.9281 7.16489 11.7394 6.71198 11.3619 6.33631C10.9842 5.96048 10.5303 5.77256 10.0001 5.77256C9.46996 5.77256 9.01596 5.96081 8.63813 6.33731C8.26046 6.71381 8.07163 7.16631 8.07163 7.69481C8.07163 8.22514 8.26038 8.67914 8.63788 9.05681C9.01555 9.43431 9.46946 9.62306 9.99963 9.62306Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Effortless IT Management
Automate user access and streamline permissions and easily manage user identities and access as your organization grows.
Integrating SourceMagnet & Entra ID
Managing multiple logins can be frustrating for both users and IT teams. Without effective Single Sign-On (SSO), your employees might waste valuable time juggling different passwords and dealing with access issues.
With SourceMagnet’s integration with Entra ID (formerly Azure AD), your users can access SourceMagnet with a single, secure login. This integration not only simplifies access but also strengthens security across your systems.
Why Choose SSO with SourceMagnet & Entra ID?
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_279_22" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_279_22)"> <path d="M10.4461 15.0475H13.5536L12.9726 11.7988C13.306 11.6241 13.5685 11.3764 13.7601 11.0558C13.9518 10.7351 14.0476 10.3831 14.0476 9.99978C14.0476 9.43378 13.8478 8.95103 13.4481 8.55153C13.0486 8.15186 12.5659 7.95203 11.9999 7.95203C11.4339 7.95203 10.9511 8.15186 10.5516 8.55153C10.152 8.95103 9.95213 9.43378 9.95213 9.99978C9.95213 10.3831 10.048 10.7351 10.2396 11.0558C10.4313 11.3764 10.6938 11.6241 11.0271 11.7988L10.4461 15.0475ZM11.9999 22.209C9.62338 21.6137 7.66205 20.2586 6.11588 18.1438C4.56971 16.0289 3.79663 13.6809 3.79663 11.0998V4.86228L11.9999 1.79053L20.2031 4.86228V11.0998C20.2031 13.6809 19.43 16.0289 17.8839 18.1438C16.3377 20.2586 14.3764 21.6137 11.9999 22.209ZM11.9999 19.834C13.7054 19.26 15.1198 18.16 16.2431 16.534C17.3665 14.9079 17.9281 13.0964 17.9281 11.0998V6.42853L11.9999 4.20853L6.07163 6.42853V11.0998C6.07163 13.0964 6.6333 14.9079 7.75663 16.534C8.87996 18.16 10.2944 19.26 11.9999 19.834Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Stronger security
Centralize authentication through Entra ID, reducing password-related risks and enhancing overall security.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_279_16" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_279_16)"> <path d="M11.9999 17.5001C13.1492 17.5001 14.1894 17.1723 15.1204 16.5166C16.0512 15.8611 16.721 14.9984 17.1299 13.9284H6.86988C7.27871 14.9984 7.94855 15.8611 8.87938 16.5166C9.81038 17.1723 10.8505 17.5001 11.9999 17.5001ZM7.78188 11.0719L8.89988 10.0039L9.96788 11.0719L11.0836 9.96212L8.89988 7.72838L6.66613 9.96212L7.78188 11.0719ZM14.0319 11.0719L15.0999 10.0039L16.2179 11.0719L17.3336 9.96212L15.0999 7.72838L12.9161 9.96212L14.0319 11.0719ZM11.9999 22.2034C10.5887 22.2034 9.2628 21.9359 8.02213 21.4009C6.78163 20.8659 5.70138 20.1385 4.78138 19.2186C3.86155 18.2986 3.13413 17.2184 2.59913 15.9779C2.06413 14.7372 1.79663 13.4113 1.79663 12.0001C1.79663 10.589 2.06413 9.26304 2.59913 8.02238C3.13413 6.78188 3.86155 5.70163 4.78138 4.78163C5.70138 3.86179 6.78163 3.13437 8.02213 2.59937C9.2628 2.06437 10.5887 1.79688 11.9999 1.79688C13.411 1.79688 14.737 2.06437 15.9776 2.59937C17.2181 3.13437 18.2984 3.86179 19.2184 4.78163C20.1382 5.70163 20.8656 6.78188 21.4006 8.02238C21.9356 9.26304 22.2031 10.589 22.2031 12.0001C22.2031 13.4113 21.9356 14.7372 21.4006 15.9779C20.8656 17.2184 20.1382 18.2986 19.2184 19.2186C18.2984 20.1385 17.2181 20.8659 15.9776 21.4009C14.737 21.9359 13.411 22.2034 11.9999 22.2034ZM11.9999 19.9284C14.2094 19.9284 16.0831 19.1594 17.6211 17.6214C19.1591 16.0834 19.9281 14.2096 19.9281 12.0001C19.9281 9.79062 19.1591 7.91688 17.6211 6.37888C16.0831 4.84088 14.2094 4.07188 11.9999 4.07188C9.79038 4.07188 7.91663 4.84088 6.37863 6.37888C4.84063 7.91688 4.07163 9.79062 4.07163 12.0001C4.07163 14.2096 4.84063 16.0834 6.37863 17.6214C7.91663 19.1594 9.79038 19.9284 11.9999 19.9284Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Smoother user experience
Log in once and get instant access to SourceMagnet, no more password headaches for your users.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_279_10" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_279_10)"> <path d="M9.99988 11.8981C8.84005 11.8981 7.84955 11.4875 7.02838 10.6663C6.20721 9.84514 5.79663 8.85464 5.79663 7.69481C5.79663 6.53514 6.20721 5.54564 7.02838 4.72631C7.84955 3.90714 8.84005 3.49756 9.99988 3.49756C11.1597 3.49756 12.1502 3.90714 12.9714 4.72631C13.7925 5.54564 14.2031 6.53514 14.2031 7.69481C14.2031 8.85464 13.7925 9.84514 12.9714 10.6663C12.1502 11.4875 11.1597 11.8981 9.99988 11.8981ZM1.79663 20.3048V17.2896C1.79663 16.6797 1.95721 16.1192 2.27838 15.6081C2.59955 15.0967 3.01013 14.7161 3.51013 14.4661C4.36013 14.0327 5.33346 13.6631 6.43013 13.3571C7.52663 13.0511 8.71655 12.8981 9.99988 12.8981H10.4006C10.5346 12.8981 10.6595 12.9147 10.7754 12.9481C10.634 13.2481 10.5026 13.6005 10.3811 14.0053C10.2596 14.41 10.1699 14.7992 10.1119 15.1731H10.0144C8.86121 15.1731 7.8158 15.3181 6.87813 15.6083C5.94046 15.8983 5.17163 16.1917 4.57163 16.4886C4.42163 16.5711 4.3008 16.6843 4.20913 16.8283C4.11746 16.9723 4.07163 17.136 4.07163 17.3193V18.0298H10.2879C10.3959 18.4236 10.5521 18.8212 10.7566 19.2226C10.9611 19.6241 11.1774 19.9848 11.4054 20.3048H1.79663ZM16.0896 21.2031L15.7836 19.6731C15.5995 19.5977 15.4239 19.5152 15.2569 19.4256C15.0899 19.3359 14.9207 19.2304 14.7494 19.1091L13.2694 19.5711L12.1976 17.7396L13.3716 16.7216C13.3343 16.5082 13.3166 16.3045 13.3186 16.1103C13.3206 15.9163 13.3383 15.7126 13.3716 15.4993L12.1976 14.4753L13.2694 12.6498L14.7494 13.1118C14.9207 12.9905 15.0899 12.885 15.2569 12.7953C15.4239 12.7055 15.5995 12.6229 15.7836 12.5476L16.0896 11.0178H18.2391L18.5449 12.5476C18.729 12.6229 18.9056 12.7086 19.0746 12.8048C19.2436 12.9008 19.4138 13.0198 19.5851 13.1618L21.0591 12.6498L22.1369 14.5253L20.9569 15.5493C20.9942 15.7333 21.0119 15.9286 21.0099 16.1353C21.0079 16.3421 20.9902 16.5376 20.9569 16.7216L22.1369 17.7396L21.0591 19.5711L19.5851 19.1091C19.4138 19.2304 19.2436 19.3359 19.0746 19.4256C18.9056 19.5152 18.729 19.5977 18.5449 19.6731L18.2391 21.2031H16.0896ZM17.1674 18.0656C17.7014 18.0656 18.1602 17.8727 18.5439 17.4871C18.9275 17.1014 19.1194 16.6415 19.1194 16.1073C19.1194 15.5733 18.9275 15.1145 18.5439 14.7308C18.1602 14.3471 17.7014 14.1553 17.1674 14.1553C16.6332 14.1553 16.1733 14.3471 15.7876 14.7308C15.402 15.1145 15.2091 15.5733 15.2091 16.1073C15.2091 16.6415 15.402 17.1014 15.7876 17.4871C16.1733 17.8727 16.6332 18.0656 17.1674 18.0656ZM9.99963 9.62306C10.5298 9.62306 10.9838 9.43431 11.3616 9.05681C11.7393 8.67931 11.9281 8.22539 11.9281 7.69506C11.9281 7.16489 11.7394 6.71198 11.3619 6.33631C10.9842 5.96048 10.5303 5.77256 10.0001 5.77256C9.46996 5.77256 9.01596 5.96081 8.63813 6.33731C8.26046 6.71381 8.07163 7.16631 8.07163 7.69481C8.07163 8.22514 8.26038 8.67914 8.63788 9.05681C9.01555 9.43431 9.46946 9.62306 9.99963 9.62306Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Effortless IT Management
Automate user access and streamline permissions and easily manage user identities and access as your organization grows.
Why Choose SSO with SourceMagnet & Entra ID?
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Effortless IT Management
Automate user access and streamline permissions and easily manage user identities and access as your organization grows.
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Smoother user experience
Log in once and get instant access to SourceMagnet, no more password headaches for your users.
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Centralize authentication through Entra ID, reducing password-related risks and enhancing overall security.
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