Automatic contract registration powered by AI
Automatic contract registration powered by AI
Automatic contract registration powered by AI
How it works
Create sourcing event
Upload your documents
Upload Your Contract
Simply upload your contract document to our secure platform.

AI Extraction
Our Contract AI model reads and extract the key data and classify the contract automatically

Review & Approve
Review the extracted data and approve it for registration.
Contract Registered
The data is then stored in your system, ready for quick access and management.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_224_7" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_224_7)"> <path d="M12 22C10.6167 22 9.31667 21.7375 8.1 21.2125C6.88333 20.6875 5.825 19.975 4.925 19.075C4.025 18.175 3.3125 17.1167 2.7875 15.9C2.2625 14.6833 2 13.3833 2 12C2 10.6167 2.2625 9.31667 2.7875 8.1C3.3125 6.88333 4.025 5.825 4.925 4.925C5.825 4.025 6.88333 3.3125 8.1 2.7875C9.31667 2.2625 10.6167 2 12 2C13.3833 2 14.6833 2.2625 15.9 2.7875C17.1167 3.3125 18.175 4.025 19.075 4.925C19.975 5.825 20.6875 6.88333 21.2125 8.1C21.7375 9.31667 22 10.6167 22 12C22 13.3833 21.7375 14.6833 21.2125 15.9C20.6875 17.1167 19.975 18.175 19.075 19.075C18.175 19.975 17.1167 20.6875 15.9 21.2125C14.6833 21.7375 13.3833 22 12 22ZM12 20C14.2333 20 16.125 19.225 17.675 17.675C19.225 16.125 20 14.2333 20 12C20 9.76667 19.225 7.875 17.675 6.325C16.125 4.775 14.2333 4 12 4C9.76667 4 7.875 4.775 6.325 6.325C4.775 7.875 4 9.76667 4 12C4 14.2333 4.775 16.125 6.325 17.675C7.875 19.225 9.76667 20 12 20ZM12 18C10.3333 18 8.91667 17.4167 7.75 16.25C6.58333 15.0833 6 13.6667 6 12C6 10.3333 6.58333 8.91667 7.75 7.75C8.91667 6.58333 10.3333 6 12 6C13.6667 6 15.0833 6.58333 16.25 7.75C17.4167 8.91667 18 10.3333 18 12C18 13.6667 17.4167 15.0833 16.25 16.25C15.0833 17.4167 13.6667 18 12 18ZM12 16C13.1 16 14.0417 15.6083 14.825 14.825C15.6083 14.0417 16 13.1 16 12C16 10.9 15.6083 9.95833 14.825 9.175C14.0417 8.39167 13.1 8 12 8C10.9 8 9.95833 8.39167 9.175 9.175C8.39167 9.95833 8 10.9 8 12C8 13.1 8.39167 14.0417 9.175 14.825C9.95833 15.6083 10.9 16 12 16ZM12 14C11.45 14 10.9792 13.8042 10.5875 13.4125C10.1958 13.0208 10 12.55 10 12C10 11.45 10.1958 10.9792 10.5875 10.5875C10.9792 10.1958 11.45 10 12 10C12.55 10 13.0208 10.1958 13.4125 10.5875C13.8042 10.9792 14 11.45 14 12C14 12.55 13.8042 13.0208 13.4125 13.4125C13.0208 13.8042 12.55 14 12 14Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Accurate Data Extraction
Leverage cutting-edge AI technology to ensure accurate extraction of key contract details.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 25 25" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_224_13" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect x="0.537766" y="0.95459" width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_224_13)"> <path d="M16.0378 11.9546C16.4544 11.9546 16.8086 11.8088 17.1003 11.5171C17.3919 11.2254 17.5378 10.8713 17.5378 10.4546C17.5378 10.0379 17.3919 9.68376 17.1003 9.39209C16.8086 9.10042 16.4544 8.95459 16.0378 8.95459C15.6211 8.95459 15.2669 9.10042 14.9753 9.39209C14.6836 9.68376 14.5378 10.0379 14.5378 10.4546C14.5378 10.8713 14.6836 11.2254 14.9753 11.5171C15.2669 11.8088 15.6211 11.9546 16.0378 11.9546ZM9.03777 11.9546C9.45443 11.9546 9.8086 11.8088 10.1003 11.5171C10.3919 11.2254 10.5378 10.8713 10.5378 10.4546C10.5378 10.0379 10.3919 9.68376 10.1003 9.39209C9.8086 9.10042 9.45443 8.95459 9.03777 8.95459C8.6211 8.95459 8.26693 9.10042 7.97527 9.39209C7.6836 9.68376 7.53777 10.0379 7.53777 10.4546C7.53777 10.8713 7.6836 11.2254 7.97527 11.5171C8.26693 11.8088 8.6211 11.9546 9.03777 11.9546ZM12.5378 18.4546C13.6711 18.4546 14.7003 18.1338 15.6253 17.4921C16.5503 16.8504 17.2211 16.0046 17.6378 14.9546H7.43777C7.85443 16.0046 8.52527 16.8504 9.45027 17.4921C10.3753 18.1338 11.4044 18.4546 12.5378 18.4546ZM12.5378 22.9546C11.1544 22.9546 9.85443 22.6921 8.63777 22.1671C7.4211 21.6421 6.36277 20.9296 5.46277 20.0296C4.56277 19.1296 3.85027 18.0713 3.32527 16.8546C2.80027 15.6379 2.53777 14.3379 2.53777 12.9546C2.53777 11.5713 2.80027 10.2713 3.32527 9.05459C3.85027 7.83792 4.56277 6.77959 5.46277 5.87959C6.36277 4.97959 7.4211 4.26709 8.63777 3.74209C9.85443 3.21709 11.1544 2.95459 12.5378 2.95459C13.9211 2.95459 15.2211 3.21709 16.4378 3.74209C17.6544 4.26709 18.7128 4.97959 19.6128 5.87959C20.5128 6.77959 21.2253 7.83792 21.7503 9.05459C22.2753 10.2713 22.5378 11.5713 22.5378 12.9546C22.5378 14.3379 22.2753 15.6379 21.7503 16.8546C21.2253 18.0713 20.5128 19.1296 19.6128 20.0296C18.7128 20.9296 17.6544 21.6421 16.4378 22.1671C15.2211 22.6921 13.9211 22.9546 12.5378 22.9546ZM12.5378 20.9546C14.7711 20.9546 16.6628 20.1796 18.2128 18.6296C19.7628 17.0796 20.5378 15.1879 20.5378 12.9546C20.5378 10.7213 19.7628 8.82959 18.2128 7.27959C16.6628 5.72959 14.7711 4.95459 12.5378 4.95459C10.3044 4.95459 8.41277 5.72959 6.86277 7.27959C5.31277 8.82959 4.53777 10.7213 4.53777 12.9546C4.53777 15.1879 5.31277 17.0796 6.86277 18.6296C8.41277 20.1796 10.3044 20.9546 12.5378 20.9546Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
User Friendly Interface
An intuitive interface secures fast onboarding and get you up to speed in minutes.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_224_25" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_224_25)"> <path d="M10.5 15H13.5L12.925 11.775C13.2583 11.6083 13.5208 11.3667 13.7125 11.05C13.9042 10.7333 14 10.3833 14 10C14 9.45 13.8042 8.97917 13.4125 8.5875C13.0208 8.19583 12.55 8 12 8C11.45 8 10.9792 8.19583 10.5875 8.5875C10.1958 8.97917 10 9.45 10 10C10 10.3833 10.0958 10.7333 10.2875 11.05C10.4792 11.3667 10.7417 11.6083 11.075 11.775L10.5 15ZM12 22C9.68333 21.4167 7.77083 20.0875 6.2625 18.0125C4.75417 15.9375 4 13.6333 4 11.1V5L12 2L20 5V11.1C20 13.6333 19.2458 15.9375 17.7375 18.0125C16.2292 20.0875 14.3167 21.4167 12 22ZM12 19.9C13.7333 19.35 15.1667 18.25 16.3 16.6C17.4333 14.95 18 13.1167 18 11.1V6.375L12 4.125L6 6.375V11.1C6 13.1167 6.56667 14.95 7.7 16.6C8.83333 18.25 10.2667 19.35 12 19.9Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Secure Data Handling
Robust security protocols to ensure your data is protected at all times. All data is stored in EU.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_224_31" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_224_31)"> <path d="M6.4 18L5 16.6L14.6 7H6V5H18V17H16V8.4L6.4 18Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Scalable Solution
Suitable for organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_224_7" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_224_7)"> <path d="M12 22C10.6167 22 9.31667 21.7375 8.1 21.2125C6.88333 20.6875 5.825 19.975 4.925 19.075C4.025 18.175 3.3125 17.1167 2.7875 15.9C2.2625 14.6833 2 13.3833 2 12C2 10.6167 2.2625 9.31667 2.7875 8.1C3.3125 6.88333 4.025 5.825 4.925 4.925C5.825 4.025 6.88333 3.3125 8.1 2.7875C9.31667 2.2625 10.6167 2 12 2C13.3833 2 14.6833 2.2625 15.9 2.7875C17.1167 3.3125 18.175 4.025 19.075 4.925C19.975 5.825 20.6875 6.88333 21.2125 8.1C21.7375 9.31667 22 10.6167 22 12C22 13.3833 21.7375 14.6833 21.2125 15.9C20.6875 17.1167 19.975 18.175 19.075 19.075C18.175 19.975 17.1167 20.6875 15.9 21.2125C14.6833 21.7375 13.3833 22 12 22ZM12 20C14.2333 20 16.125 19.225 17.675 17.675C19.225 16.125 20 14.2333 20 12C20 9.76667 19.225 7.875 17.675 6.325C16.125 4.775 14.2333 4 12 4C9.76667 4 7.875 4.775 6.325 6.325C4.775 7.875 4 9.76667 4 12C4 14.2333 4.775 16.125 6.325 17.675C7.875 19.225 9.76667 20 12 20ZM12 18C10.3333 18 8.91667 17.4167 7.75 16.25C6.58333 15.0833 6 13.6667 6 12C6 10.3333 6.58333 8.91667 7.75 7.75C8.91667 6.58333 10.3333 6 12 6C13.6667 6 15.0833 6.58333 16.25 7.75C17.4167 8.91667 18 10.3333 18 12C18 13.6667 17.4167 15.0833 16.25 16.25C15.0833 17.4167 13.6667 18 12 18ZM12 16C13.1 16 14.0417 15.6083 14.825 14.825C15.6083 14.0417 16 13.1 16 12C16 10.9 15.6083 9.95833 14.825 9.175C14.0417 8.39167 13.1 8 12 8C10.9 8 9.95833 8.39167 9.175 9.175C8.39167 9.95833 8 10.9 8 12C8 13.1 8.39167 14.0417 9.175 14.825C9.95833 15.6083 10.9 16 12 16ZM12 14C11.45 14 10.9792 13.8042 10.5875 13.4125C10.1958 13.0208 10 12.55 10 12C10 11.45 10.1958 10.9792 10.5875 10.5875C10.9792 10.1958 11.45 10 12 10C12.55 10 13.0208 10.1958 13.4125 10.5875C13.8042 10.9792 14 11.45 14 12C14 12.55 13.8042 13.0208 13.4125 13.4125C13.0208 13.8042 12.55 14 12 14Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Accurate Data Extraction
Leverage cutting-edge AI technology to ensure accurate extraction of key contract details.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 25 25" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_224_13" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect x="0.537766" y="0.95459" width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_224_13)"> <path d="M16.0378 11.9546C16.4544 11.9546 16.8086 11.8088 17.1003 11.5171C17.3919 11.2254 17.5378 10.8713 17.5378 10.4546C17.5378 10.0379 17.3919 9.68376 17.1003 9.39209C16.8086 9.10042 16.4544 8.95459 16.0378 8.95459C15.6211 8.95459 15.2669 9.10042 14.9753 9.39209C14.6836 9.68376 14.5378 10.0379 14.5378 10.4546C14.5378 10.8713 14.6836 11.2254 14.9753 11.5171C15.2669 11.8088 15.6211 11.9546 16.0378 11.9546ZM9.03777 11.9546C9.45443 11.9546 9.8086 11.8088 10.1003 11.5171C10.3919 11.2254 10.5378 10.8713 10.5378 10.4546C10.5378 10.0379 10.3919 9.68376 10.1003 9.39209C9.8086 9.10042 9.45443 8.95459 9.03777 8.95459C8.6211 8.95459 8.26693 9.10042 7.97527 9.39209C7.6836 9.68376 7.53777 10.0379 7.53777 10.4546C7.53777 10.8713 7.6836 11.2254 7.97527 11.5171C8.26693 11.8088 8.6211 11.9546 9.03777 11.9546ZM12.5378 18.4546C13.6711 18.4546 14.7003 18.1338 15.6253 17.4921C16.5503 16.8504 17.2211 16.0046 17.6378 14.9546H7.43777C7.85443 16.0046 8.52527 16.8504 9.45027 17.4921C10.3753 18.1338 11.4044 18.4546 12.5378 18.4546ZM12.5378 22.9546C11.1544 22.9546 9.85443 22.6921 8.63777 22.1671C7.4211 21.6421 6.36277 20.9296 5.46277 20.0296C4.56277 19.1296 3.85027 18.0713 3.32527 16.8546C2.80027 15.6379 2.53777 14.3379 2.53777 12.9546C2.53777 11.5713 2.80027 10.2713 3.32527 9.05459C3.85027 7.83792 4.56277 6.77959 5.46277 5.87959C6.36277 4.97959 7.4211 4.26709 8.63777 3.74209C9.85443 3.21709 11.1544 2.95459 12.5378 2.95459C13.9211 2.95459 15.2211 3.21709 16.4378 3.74209C17.6544 4.26709 18.7128 4.97959 19.6128 5.87959C20.5128 6.77959 21.2253 7.83792 21.7503 9.05459C22.2753 10.2713 22.5378 11.5713 22.5378 12.9546C22.5378 14.3379 22.2753 15.6379 21.7503 16.8546C21.2253 18.0713 20.5128 19.1296 19.6128 20.0296C18.7128 20.9296 17.6544 21.6421 16.4378 22.1671C15.2211 22.6921 13.9211 22.9546 12.5378 22.9546ZM12.5378 20.9546C14.7711 20.9546 16.6628 20.1796 18.2128 18.6296C19.7628 17.0796 20.5378 15.1879 20.5378 12.9546C20.5378 10.7213 19.7628 8.82959 18.2128 7.27959C16.6628 5.72959 14.7711 4.95459 12.5378 4.95459C10.3044 4.95459 8.41277 5.72959 6.86277 7.27959C5.31277 8.82959 4.53777 10.7213 4.53777 12.9546C4.53777 15.1879 5.31277 17.0796 6.86277 18.6296C8.41277 20.1796 10.3044 20.9546 12.5378 20.9546Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
User Friendly Interface
An intuitive interface secures fast onboarding and get you up to speed in minutes.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_224_25" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_224_25)"> <path d="M10.5 15H13.5L12.925 11.775C13.2583 11.6083 13.5208 11.3667 13.7125 11.05C13.9042 10.7333 14 10.3833 14 10C14 9.45 13.8042 8.97917 13.4125 8.5875C13.0208 8.19583 12.55 8 12 8C11.45 8 10.9792 8.19583 10.5875 8.5875C10.1958 8.97917 10 9.45 10 10C10 10.3833 10.0958 10.7333 10.2875 11.05C10.4792 11.3667 10.7417 11.6083 11.075 11.775L10.5 15ZM12 22C9.68333 21.4167 7.77083 20.0875 6.2625 18.0125C4.75417 15.9375 4 13.6333 4 11.1V5L12 2L20 5V11.1C20 13.6333 19.2458 15.9375 17.7375 18.0125C16.2292 20.0875 14.3167 21.4167 12 22ZM12 19.9C13.7333 19.35 15.1667 18.25 16.3 16.6C17.4333 14.95 18 13.1167 18 11.1V6.375L12 4.125L6 6.375V11.1C6 13.1167 6.56667 14.95 7.7 16.6C8.83333 18.25 10.2667 19.35 12 19.9Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Secure Data Handling
Robust security protocols to ensure your data is protected at all times. All data is stored in EU.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_224_31" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_224_31)"> <path d="M6.4 18L5 16.6L14.6 7H6V5H18V17H16V8.4L6.4 18Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Scalable Solution
Suitable for organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises.
Upload Your Contract
Simply upload your contract document to our secure platform.
AI Extraction
Our Contract AI model reads and extract the key data and classify the contract automatically
Review & Approve
Review the extracted data and approve it for registration.
Contract Registered
The data is then stored in your system, ready for quick access and management.
Key Benefits
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_225_13" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_225_13)"> <path d="M15 20C12.7667 20 10.875 19.225 9.325 17.675C7.775 16.125 7 14.2333 7 12C7 9.78333 7.775 7.89583 9.325 6.3375C10.875 4.77917 12.7667 4 15 4C17.2167 4 19.1042 4.77917 20.6625 6.3375C22.2208 7.89583 23 9.78333 23 12C23 14.2333 22.2208 16.125 20.6625 17.675C19.1042 19.225 17.2167 20 15 20ZM15 18C16.6667 18 18.0833 17.4167 19.25 16.25C20.4167 15.0833 21 13.6667 21 12C21 10.3333 20.4167 8.91667 19.25 7.75C18.0833 6.58333 16.6667 6 15 6C13.3333 6 11.9167 6.58333 10.75 7.75C9.58333 8.91667 9 10.3333 9 12C9 13.6667 9.58333 15.0833 10.75 16.25C11.9167 17.4167 13.3333 18 15 18ZM17.275 15.725L18.7 14.3L16 11.6V8H14V12.425L17.275 15.725ZM2 9V7H6V9H2ZM1 13V11H6V13H1ZM2 17V15H6V17H2Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Save time
Drastically reduce the time spent on manual data entry and free up time for more strategic work.
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_225_19" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_225_19)"> <path d="M9.5 16.4998V7.4998L16.5 11.9998L9.5 16.4998ZM12 22.9998C10.2 22.9998 8.5125 22.5873 6.9375 21.7623C5.3625 20.9373 4.05 19.7831 3 18.2998V20.9998H1V14.9998H7V16.9998H4.55C5.4 18.2498 6.47917 19.229 7.7875 19.9373C9.09583 20.6456 10.5 20.9998 12 20.9998C13.9167 20.9998 15.6542 20.4498 17.2125 19.3498C18.7708 18.2498 19.8667 16.7915 20.5 14.9748L22.45 15.4248C21.7 17.6915 20.3667 19.5206 18.45 20.9123C16.5333 22.304 14.3833 22.9998 12 22.9998ZM1.05 10.9998C1.16667 9.88314 1.43333 8.8123 1.85 7.7873C2.26667 6.7623 2.84167 5.81647 3.575 4.9498L5 6.3748C4.46667 7.05814 4.03333 7.7873 3.7 8.5623C3.36667 9.33731 3.15833 10.1498 3.075 10.9998H1.05ZM6.4 4.9748L4.975 3.5498C5.85833 2.81647 6.80833 2.2373 7.825 1.8123C8.84167 1.3873 9.9 1.13314 11 1.0498V3.0498C10.15 3.13314 9.34167 3.34147 8.575 3.6748C7.80833 4.00814 7.08333 4.44147 6.4 4.9748ZM17.625 4.9748C16.9417 4.44147 16.2125 4.00814 15.4375 3.6748C14.6625 3.34147 13.85 3.13314 13 3.0498V1.0498C14.1167 1.1498 15.1875 1.40814 16.2125 1.8248C17.2375 2.24147 18.1833 2.81647 19.05 3.5498L17.625 4.9748ZM20.95 10.9998C20.8667 10.1498 20.6583 9.33731 20.325 8.5623C19.9917 7.7873 19.5583 7.05814 19.025 6.3748L20.45 4.9498C21.1833 5.81647 21.7583 6.7623 22.175 7.7873C22.5917 8.8123 22.85 9.88314 22.95 10.9998H20.95Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
Automate the tedious process of extracting and registering contract data.
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Ensure high-quality, accurate data extraction every time, enhancing your overall data integrity.
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<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_225_25" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_225_25)"> <path d="M8.6 22.5L6.7 19.3L3.1 18.5L3.45 14.8L1 12L3.45 9.2L3.1 5.5L6.7 4.7L8.6 1.5L12 2.95L15.4 1.5L17.3 4.7L20.9 5.5L20.55 9.2L23 12L20.55 14.8L20.9 18.5L17.3 19.3L15.4 22.5L12 21.05L8.6 22.5ZM9.45 19.95L12 18.85L14.6 19.95L16 17.55L18.75 16.9L18.5 14.1L20.35 12L18.5 9.85L18.75 7.05L16 6.45L14.55 4.05L12 5.15L9.4 4.05L8 6.45L5.25 7.05L5.5 9.85L3.65 12L5.5 14.1L5.25 16.95L8 17.55L9.45 19.95ZM10.95 15.55L16.6 9.9L15.2 8.45L10.95 12.7L8.8 10.6L7.4 12L10.95 15.55Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
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<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""> <mask id="mask0_225_13" style="mask-type:alpha" maskUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="currentColor"></rect> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_225_13)"> <path d="M15 20C12.7667 20 10.875 19.225 9.325 17.675C7.775 16.125 7 14.2333 7 12C7 9.78333 7.775 7.89583 9.325 6.3375C10.875 4.77917 12.7667 4 15 4C17.2167 4 19.1042 4.77917 20.6625 6.3375C22.2208 7.89583 23 9.78333 23 12C23 14.2333 22.2208 16.125 20.6625 17.675C19.1042 19.225 17.2167 20 15 20ZM15 18C16.6667 18 18.0833 17.4167 19.25 16.25C20.4167 15.0833 21 13.6667 21 12C21 10.3333 20.4167 8.91667 19.25 7.75C18.0833 6.58333 16.6667 6 15 6C13.3333 6 11.9167 6.58333 10.75 7.75C9.58333 8.91667 9 10.3333 9 12C9 13.6667 9.58333 15.0833 10.75 16.25C11.9167 17.4167 13.3333 18 15 18ZM17.275 15.725L18.7 14.3L16 11.6V8H14V12.425L17.275 15.725ZM2 9V7H6V9H2ZM1 13V11H6V13H1ZM2 17V15H6V17H2Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </g> </svg>
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